Saturday, October 11, 2008

green kids

The world is going green! Many of us are making daily changes to our lives in order to be friendlier to our environment. Although many of these habits are new to adults, they can become the norm for our children. Now is the time to instill these habits to become life long lessons. Well , here is a list of 8 easy ways to teach your children to be green.

1. Make sure your family recycles. If you keep a recycling bin next to your garbage can it is easy to do. When the recycling bin is in a different area that your regular garbage area is, it is easy to be lazy and throw away recyclable items.

2. Have a family compost in your backyard. Once your child sees how much garbage can be put back into the soil, the more aware they will become of healthy soil and biodiversity.

3. Grow something together. Whether it is a family garden, or a small pot of herbs in the kitchen, it is important for kids to see that food doesn’t just come from the grocery store, it come from soil.

4. Teach them the same lessons we did about conserving energy by reminding them to turn off the faucet and lights when not in use.

5. Go to your local farmer’s market together. Again, this family activity helps kids be aware of where their food comes from. Also it’s a fun thing to do together.

6. Pack your kids lunch with them. When choosing items talk about why they prefer a particular item. Read labels and choose foods that are locally grown and that are organic.

7. Talk about environmental issues at the dinner table. The more kids know the more active they will be in helping the environment. Knowledge is power, and they can pass it on by teaching their friends about them as well.

8. Do activities outside! The more kids love nature, the more they will want to do to protect it!

audrey - sales

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