Sunday, August 24, 2008

organic: it is more nutritious

The debate over nutritional value in organic vs. conventional food has been an ongoing battle for years now. Government and private studies have been performed; many with a different outcomes, thus confusing consumers and leaving us with contradictory information and no answers to a serious issue. One of the fatal flaws in the numerous studies, and the main reason we cannot get a definitive answer, is simply the inconsistency of each experiment. Comparing a study on organic produce in Washington to one done in Germany in different soil, weather conditions, care taking practices, and other farming variables is like comparing apples to oranges.

There are studies that prove that without a doubt organic produce is a more nutritious product - not every product proves to be extraordinarily higher in nutritional value but in my opinion, it’s enough to warrant a second look. According to 41 different studies and a report compiled by certified nutrition specialist Virginia Worthington on fruits, vegetable’s and grains, there is almost 30% more vitamin C, 22% more iron, and 30% more magnesium on average in organic produce compared to conventional produce. In addition there is approximately 15% less nitrates! Among the many reports published, the higher levels of vitamin C and essential minerals remains consistent throughout experiments all over the world. Info such as a study commissioned the Organic Retailer and Growers Association has stated that conventional foods purchase in standard grocery stores has 10 times less mineral content that fruits and vegetables grown organically.

Research on the benefits of eating organic foods for its nutritional content should be enough to convince most people to pick organic during their next shopping trip but, if that isn’t enough, consider the fact that not only are you eating a more nutritious product, you are also avoiding all of the synthetic pesticides, hormones, GMO’s, and chemicals that are now part of your conventional produce. That’s good for everybody.

Amber – Business Development


Unknown said...

On behalf of The Organic Center, we appreciate nextgen vending for its reporting on important topics around food, health, social responsibility, healthy living, and the environment. We also appreciate nextgen vending’s coverage of The Organic Center’s work and resources in organic food and farming research and education.

A Mission of Organic Food and Farming Research and Education
Our mission is to advance peer-reviewed, verifiable scientific research and information behind the human health and environmental benefits of organic food and farming--and to communicate those benefits to society.

Among Our Key Findings
• Nutrition - “Average levels of 11 key nutrients are 25% higher in organic foods compared to conventional foods, based on 236 scientifically valid comparisons.” Source: New Evidence Confirms the Nutritional Superiority of Plant-based Organic Foods, State of Science Review, March 2008.
• Antioxidants - “Eating organic produce and organic processed fruits and vegetables will increase your antioxidant intake by about 30 percent over conventionally grown produce.” Source: Elevating Antioxidant Levels in Food through Organic Farming and Food Processing, State of Science Review, January 2005.
• Taste – “Organic produce is often judged tastier…than conventional produce. Organic apples store better and are tastier than conventional apples.” Source: “Do Organic Fruits and Vegetables Taste Better than Conventional Fruits and Vegetables, State of Science Review, December 2006.
• Pesticides - “The average child in America is exposed to five pesticides daily in their food and drinking water. In fact, switching to an organic diet for just five days virtually eliminates any sign of exposure to organophosphate insecticides among school-age children.” Source: Successes and Lost Opportunities to Reduce Children’s Exposure to Pesticides Since the Mid-1990s,” Critical Issues Report, August 2006.
• Energy - “Organic corn production requires 30 percent less energy per bushel harvested, compared to conventional agriculture.” Source: Impacts of Organic Farming on the Efficiency of Energy Use in Agriculture, State of Science Review, September 2006.

Information Resources Available
• Download all of our scientific studies at no cost at
• Subscribe to our free e-newsletter, The Scoop, a monthly digest of the latest global organic research. Sign up at
• Read Core Truths, an illustrated coffee-table book and compendium of research conducted by the Center.
• Download a free Pocket Guide, Organic Essentials, to learn how to reduce dietary exposure to toxic pesticides.
• View our new educational video, Serious Science, Serious Benefits, at
• Visit our new weblog at

Why Support The Organic Center?
As a nonprofit, tax-deductible 501c3 organization, we rely on the financial support of individuals, businesses and foundations. As such, we appeal to you for your financial contribution. To make a donation, please visit, or contact The Organic Center at tel 303.499.1840.

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Donate $100 and receive a free Core Truths book!

Thank you again and yours in health,

Steve Hoffman
Managing Director
The Organic Center

Rick Rockhill said...

I was glad to see your post, and the reply from the Organic Center. I am an advocate for organic foods and produce because I believe we need to reduce the amount of pesticides we consume from our food supply. I just wrote a post about it on my own blog today if you are interested.