Friday, August 29, 2008

its easy being green - 4 steps to a greener school year

With Fall just around the corner, many of us are facing new battles with the kids back in school, and the lazy days of summer coming to an end. Schedules are busy but the healthy habits you worked to so hard to build during the summer should be all but forgotten. We did our part to cut down on our electricity by using the air conditioning sparingly, rode our bikes instead of driving, bought organic produce from local farmers markets and kept up on our recycling. These tiny changes are hardly an inconvenience, save us money and are a tremendous help in preserving our environment. Lets keep up the good work and continue to do our part and make this new school year as green as possible! With a few simple steps we can ensure a less wasteful and healthier year for everyone.

1) Reuse items from last year. Retailers love back to school time, marketed as a sort of holiday consumers are persuaded to purchase a number of items that are unnecessary and wasteful. Try pulling out last years backpack or binders and help your kids stay involved by letting them be apart of “greening” their school supplies. Realizing that some new things are unavoidable look for recycled paper and pencils as well as keeping and eye out companies that are producing eco-friendly goods. Many large chain stores such as Target, Staples and Wal-Mart are offering affordable alternatives for the environmentally conscious. Even here in our office we found sugar cane based (Bagasse) notebooks for .99 cents each, small changes like this add up if everyone were to participate.

2) Pack school lunches in reusable bags. This is a two for one, By preparing lunches ahead of time and bring them in reusable bags or boxes you are getting a healthy meal and cutting down on waste on landfills. Fill lunch boxes with organic snacks and meals so your child is getting the best possible nutrition while at school and not consuming the toxic chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, hormones, and GMO’s found in conventional foods.

3) Carpool, walk or ride your bike to school. This is a big one, most of us have become accustom to the convenience of hopping in the car with out much thought to the consequences. Over recent months with the gas prices sky rocking it has given many of us perspective and caused us to look into alternative transportation. In my opinion, this is fantastic. Becoming less dependant on oil in general will force many to walk or ride a bike, in turn making us all happier and healthier people. If driving is necessary look into carpools with other parents or public transportation.

4) Educate others. By sharing your knowledge of organic food and environmental concerns you may be surprised by the number of people you influence to make better choices in the future.

So there you have it, 4 simple steps to a greener school year, I wish everyone the best of luck this year and look forward to hearing any other suggestions or comments on what steps everyone else out there is taking to keep our families and environment healthy.

amber- business development

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