Monday, July 21, 2008

conventional foods and obesity

We have all seen it on the news, read about it in magazines, we know obesity is a problem; we know we have to make changes but the question is why? Why are 1 out of 4 Americans obese, why has obesity steadily been on the rise for the past 25 years? What is different now than 30 years ago?

According to studies around the world, MSG, an additive in most conventional foods could quite possibly be the reason behind a nation-wide obesity epidemic. During multiple studies regarding diets and diabetes, mice were injected with MSG as newborns. The MSG triples the amount of insulin the pancreas creates, in effect creating obese mice to perform tests on. This is similar to what happens when humans ingest foods with MSG. By stimulating the pancreas to release insulin, which in turn drops blood sugar MSG will actually increase appetite! This is no accident, manufactures are well aware of the effects their product create. To much insulin can also lead to the start of type II diabetes, which just happens to be alarmingly increasing in children, which was almost unheard of before the introduction to MSG.

MSG, which is not used in organic food, is found in all types of conventional foods, prepackaged dinners, fast food, chips, cookies, crackers…..its everywhere. The only way to be sure you are not eating it is to be sure the food you buy and prepare is fresh, organic and healthy. MSG manufacturers do not hide the fact that their product is used to hook customers and make than eat more of it than if MSG were not added. It is up to you to take responsibility, educate others and make the choice to buy healthy and organic foods and snacks whenever possible.

We can beat this obesity epidemic, eat fresh, local and organic also teach those around you about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and we can turn the next 25 years into something Americans can be proud of.

amber - business development

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It won’t be particularly wrong to call the USA the obesity capital of the world. Obesity is nothing less than an epidemic in this country and it is still alarmingly rising even among the children. Researchers have found that obesity is also fast increasing among the American women and especially those women who have been married to an unhappy relationship. Women having an unhappy married life have been found to have gained around 54 pounds in average in the first 10 years of their unhappy marriage.</a