Wednesday, July 16, 2008

health and beauty: finally together again

Everyday people spend time grooming themselves, some more than others, but generally everyone makes it a habit to spend a little time in the morning and evening to wash their face, rub on deodorant, lather up shower gel, and apply body lotion. These daily rituals help us not only maintain a healthy lifestyle, but also, they help us look a little more attractive. A single product like toothpaste can prevent gingivitis and provide minty fresh breath in one application. It’s no wonder then that health and beauty companies make billions of dollars a year. They are selling miracles! Why would we change a thing?

We are all doing what we’ve done for years, and through our own experimenting we have found our favorite brands, flavors, scents, and even specific quirky ways to use these products. For example, I like to floss my top row then my bottom row with waxed floss. I have no clue why I do the top first. Everyone has their own preference, and none of these habits need to change. However, we might want to rethink some of the products we use. Many products are lacking on the health side of the “health & beauty” part of its claim. Our government aims to protect us from harmful drugs and medications, but their focus is on products that are taken orally. According to the FDA, cosmetics and their ingredients are not required to undergo approval before they are sold. Also, there are only ten substances that are prohibited in the use of cosmetic products. This lack of concern for the products that are acceptable to use on our bodies is strange considering the fact that our skin is a major way our bodies absorb chemicals. Our skin is the largest organ we have! It not only eliminates toxins, but it also absorbs them. So, when you put shower gel, lotion, eye cream, shampoo etc. on your skin, you absorb it!

We should use products that make us both feel good and smell nice without exposing ourselves with harmful chemicals – USDA certified organic body products eliminate many of the problems that conventional products carry without sacrificing the things we love about them. You can use organic body lotion that moisturizes as well as your old stuff in a scent or flavor that you love! Although there are only a handful of companies that sell certified organic body products, keep your eye out because many more are on their way (including an earthpure organics™ line). A good company to start with is Natures Paradise. They have products with scents so good you could eat them (probably not a great idea), and they are USDA certified organic so you know that any food-based ingredients used, will not carry harmful chemicals or pesticides. Its good to see health and beauty back together again!

audrey - sales

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