Saturday, July 12, 2008

killing you with sweetness

Artificial sweeteners have long been praised by dieters the world over. With less calories and an undeniable sweet flavor they have made their way into a multitude of products touting their diet friendly existence. Although it appeared we might have finally found a way to eat what we want and still maintain our waistlines the truth eventually came out and once again the old saying rings true that we cannot have our cake and eat it too.

The intent of artificial sweeteners was as a sugar substitute and less fattening alternative to sugar, simply copying the flavor of sugar but with no valuable calories or energy. Unfortunately for us, after testing this product the FDA found traces of toxicity yet still approved it for mass production. We now have many products such as sodas, yogurts, coffee creamers…etc in vending machines sweetened with toxic chemicals. There are five approved substitutes too look out for: saccharin, neotame, acesulfame potassium, aspartame and sucralose, the most common and dangerous being sucralose and aspartame. Sucralose is sugar, which is chlorinated and chemically alerted to create a product, which is in no way or form “sugar”. Aspartame, according to a report in Flying Safety is a possible cause of tumors, mental disorders, birth defects, epilepsy, and diabetes to name a few. The breakdown of Aspartame in the body leaves behind, methanol, formaldehyde and formic acid, all of which can be lethal in proper amounts.

The good news is that we have options. Simply cutting out products that are labeled “sugar free”, “diet” or “low calorie” is a good place to start. Replace your sugar substitutes with products like organic and raw Agave nectar, which is not only delicious but has a low glycemic value as well. Use organic honey or organic sugars to sweeten up your foods and drinks. Getting rid of these products will not only help save you and your family from side effects but will help enforce a healthier, happier and more informed lifestyle you can all feel good about.

amber - business development

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