Saturday, July 12, 2008

know your labels - they could save your life

At the grocery store with my wife, I’m probably like most guys (and I don’t mean absent-mindedly roaming the beer aisle for a hour). What I mean is that there are certain foods at the grocery store that I need to help choose - mostly because they are some of my favorite foods to eat. Some of these items include crunchy chips, hearty breads, and delicious chocolate bars/ cookies. And, unfortunately, the same foods that I love to shop for are often riddled with tricky marketing techniques to make them appear as if they are something they are not.

I often find myself strolling down the cookie, chip, or bread aisle, noticing the many misleading labels. Many companies like to use words on their packaging like “Natural” or “Finest Ingredients” when nothing could be further from the truth. You see, it is perfectly legal for companies to do this because such words like “Finest” and “Natural” are not nearly as regulated in the food industry as it is with organic food. This problem doesn’t exist nearly as much within the organic food industry due to proper regulation and certified USDA organic food is always made without harmful pesticides, artificial sweeteners, and hydrogenated oils. In fact, just last week I noticed a new brand of non-organic bread on the shelf that said, “Made with the Finest Ingredients,” so, I rolled that bag over to read the ingredients, and sadly, the result was all too common- high fructose corn syrup was listed as the 3rd ingredient! Personally, I find this very troubling. Something that says, “Made with the finest Ingredients” can contain a substance that the Mayo Clinic reports as contributing to “diabetes and high cholesterol […and] the growing obesity problem.”1

This is one of the great things about earthpure organics™: there are no tricky marketing techniques to mislead consumers. And while we make every effort to be as transparent a business as possible, it certainly helps that we are certified organic with Oregon Tilth. For those that are not familiar with organic certification, it means that even if we wanted to cut corners and riddle our products with artificial preservatives, genetically modified organisms, and other harmful chemicals, it’s simply not allowed. When you want to shop for the safest, healthiest, most nutritious food for your family, certified USDA organic is the best choice.

james - operations

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