Thursday, July 10, 2008

spread the green

Green is America’s new favorite color. In the past, the color green was associated with things like vegetables, trees, and The Incredible Hulk. Now, along with our past associations, we are starting to include cars, light bulbs, and even whole food candy bars into the mix. Everything, whether it’s pink, white, blue or grey, is beginning to change to a slight green shade if you look hard enough. With our expanding knowledge of how we can positively or negatively effect our environment, we can no longer turn our heads in the other direction. We must accept this responsibility, simply because it is the right thing to do – whether you are a business, or a mom at home setting examples for your children.

Within the past decade people have exchanged their CDs for iPods, letters for emails, and fossil fuels for wind power. Although learning how to download music onto your new iPod may have been intimidating, you soon realized how convenient it was to have all your songs in one compact device. This luxury soon became commonplace, and to some a necessity. We may be hesitant at first to try new things, but we have proven that we are capable of adapting and using new technologies to our full advantage. Using new technologies is just the beginning - we are all capable of changing our everyday practices as well, thus affecting how much we consume and the level of waste that we produce. These may all seem like small changes, but when thousands or even millions of people make small sacrifices it can become big change. It is no wonder then, that we are trying to spread the green.

audrey - sales

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